Somerset Community College offers a range of cooking education classes for students looking to develop and enhance their culinary skills. From the basics of food safety, knife skills, and seasoning ingredients to advanced classes such as restaurant management and experimental cooking, students have a variety of options to choose from to pursue their culinary interests. Students can take both in-person and online courses depending on their preferred learning style.
The food industry is continuously evolving with new trends and flavors. As technology advances, so can the knowledge and skills of those wishing to pursue a career in cooking. Somerset Community College has taken the initiative to keep up with these trends by creating their own unique culinary program. This program offers classes that teach the fundamentals of cooking, baking, and kitchen management, while also introducing the latest techniques and ingredients used in the modern cuisine.
With the help of professional chefs and certified instructors, students at Somerset Community College can gain the knowledge and skills needed to become successful in the food industry. Through hands-on practical training and events, students are able to build on the foundation of their culinary education, as well as gain valuable experience in the business of cooking.
Whether it be for an aspiring chef or for those just starting out, a cooking education from Somerset Community College can provide the skills and confidence necessary to succeed. Whether online, in person, or through special events, students will enjoy the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and gain invaluable experience in the art and craft of cooking.