Cook School's Directory

Cooks School Directory provides a comprehensive listing of various cooking schools and classes, helping aspiring cooks find their perfect culinary education.

Search Results: 8

Western Michigan University

's<br /> <br /> Western Michigan University's cooking school offers comprehensive culinary education programs designed to help aspiring chefs enhance their knowledge and develop their skills.

Wayne State University

Wayne State University offers world-class cooking classes for those interested in learning how to prepare delicious meals.

Central Michigan University

Central Michigan University's acclaimed cooking school offers an unequaled opportunity to learn the art of culinary skills.

Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University offers a wide range of cooking classes, giving students the opportunity to master their culinary skills and learn new recipes in a professional cooking school environment.

Andrews University

Andrews University provides top-notch cooking courses to help students develop their culinary skills and master the art of cooking.

Madonna University

Madonna University's renowned Cooking School provides students with a unique opportunity to learn the art of cooking in a professional and creative environment.

Michigan State University

Michigan State University offers a wide range of cooking courses and programs, making it one of the top cooking schools in the nation.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor offers a wide variety of cooking classes for beginners to experienced chefs in its renowned cooking school.