Massasoit Community College

Massasoit Community College 's culinary program provides you with the opportunity to learn the skills of a professional chef in a small-class setting, while also offering guidance on how to become certified in the field of cooking.

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Massasoit Community College


Massasoit Community College provides students with the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive education in the art of cooking. Through the school's culinary arts program, students can learn the fundamentals of cooking and hone their skills to become professional chefs. The college emphasizes hands-on learning, enabling students to apply the techniques they learn in practice. Through this approach, students can master the techniques of food preparation, cooking, baking, and presentation.

The program starts by providing basic instruction on nutrition, kitchen safety, and food handling. It then delves into the essentials of food preparation, such as measuring, cutting, and slicing. Courses dive into the finer points of formulating recipes and properly combining ingredients. The students also receive instructions on menu planning, staffing, hosting, and professional etiquette.

Throughout the program, students gain proficiency in food production and work in a commercial kitchen where they have the opportunity to develop their skills. This includes gaining experience with food presentation and proper plating. Students also learn about special dietary considerations, such as for vegetarians, vegans, and those with food allergies.

At Massasoit Community College, education not only focuses on the art of cooking, but also the business of hospitality. A series of courses covers topics such as financial management, human resources, and public relations. These classes help students learn the skills they need to succeed in a career in food service or hospitality.

The college also has a variety of extracurricular activities that promote cooking education. Student organizations, such as the Culinary Arts Club, host events such as guest lectures and competitions, which give students the opportunity to further explore their passion. Massasoit Community College is dedicated to helping all students pursue their interest in cooking and become successful chefs.