Viterbo University

Viterbo University Viterbo University offers an interactive and comprehensive cooking school experience to help students become expert chefs.

  • Wisconsin in  wisconsin 900 Viterbo Drive

Viterbo University


Viterbo University is a great place to get a world-class cooking education. The university offers a variety of programs designed to provide students with the skills, knowledge, and experience they need to become successful culinary professionals. From baking, to restaurant management, to gastronomy and beyond, the university has something for everyone.

The university offers comprehensive cooking classes focusing on multiple aspects of the industry. Students will learn about everything from food safety and nutrition, to flavor development and presentation. They'll learn about major international cuisines and gain an appreciation for the history and culture behind each dish. Viterbo also offers specialized classes in specific cuisines like Mediterranean, European, Latin American and Asian cooking.

The university has a top-notch faculty of experienced chefs who will mentor and guide students as they explore the culinary world. Professors are passionate about their work and will help students develop the skills they need to succeed in the industry. The faculty is committed to providing a well-rounded education, offering hands-on learning experiences with state of the art equipment.

The university also offers internships and externships so that students can gain real-world experience in the culinary industry. This provides students with invaluable insight into the field and shows prospective employers that they have the willingness to go above and beyond in their studies.

At Viterbo University, students will have access to the latest in cooking technology, with up-to-date simulations and cutting-edge research projects. These resources will provide students with an invaluable opportunity to develop their skills and gain a deeper understanding of the industry.

For those looking to get a comprehensive cooking education, Viterbo University is the perfect choice. With world-class faculty, plenty of hands-on opportunities and access to the latest in culinary technology, the university provides students with the tools they need to achieve success in the industry.