Northwestern Michigan College offers an innovative cooking school providing professional culinary training and certification.
Monroe County Community College offers a wide variety of cooking classes to help aspiring chefs master the culinary arts.
Oakland Community College's cooking school offers hands-on instruction for creating delicious meals for all skill levels.
Northern Michigan University's Cookery School offers a range of classes and programs that provide high-quality instruction in the art of cooking, helping students hone their culinary skills and become proficient in the preparation of delicious meals.
Wayne County Community College District offers an excellent cooking school to help you become a culinarian expert.
's<br /> <br /> Western Michigan University's cooking school offers comprehensive culinary education programs designed to help aspiring chefs enhance their knowledge and develop their skills.
's Cooking School offers a variety of hands-on cooking classes to help you master the basics of cooking and sharpen your culinary skills.
Cooking School offers an assortment of cooking classes that teach valuable skills to amateur and experienced cooks alike.
Jackson College offers an array of cooking and baking classes to help you hone your culinary skills and become a master chef.
Wayne State University offers world-class cooking classes for those interested in learning how to prepare delicious meals.