Southeastern College-Charlotte

Southeastern College-Charlotte Southeastern College-Charlotte offers a range of cooking classes that provide students with the skills and knowledge to become professional chefs.

  • North Carolina in  north carolina 207 Regency Executive Park Drive

Southeastern College-Charlotte


Southeastern College-Charlotte provides comprehensive cooking education with a unique approach in its cooking classes. Its curriculum is designed to help students acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to become successful chefs.

The Southeastern College-Charlotte offers a wide range of cooking courses, from food safety and nutrition to kitchen management and culinary arts. Students can choose from a range of specializations such as International Cuisine, Baking & Pastry, Master Chef Training and much more.

The college also provides unique hands-on experience for its students by providing professional chefs, who guide students on a step-by-step basis. The faculty members are highly qualified professionals who have a wealth of experience in their respective fields.

The College is well-equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, making it an ideal setting to learn the art of cooking. It has a commercial kitchen, which provides ample opportunities for students to practice their skills in a real-life setting.

The college also holds events and competitions throughout the year, enabling the students to showcase their skills and gain recognition in the industry. Through its Club Gastronomie, the College also regularly invites respected chefs from all around the world to further enhance the learning experience of its students.

The College also offers various scholarships which encourage excellence and innovation among its students. With this unique approach, Southeastern College-Charlotte provides its students with the perfect platform to become accomplished and professional chefs.