Los Angeles Southwest College

Los Angeles Southwest College Los Angeles Southwest College offers a world-class cooking school that provides aspiring chefs with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the culinary world.

  • California in  california 1600 W. Imperial Hwy.

Los Angeles Southwest College


Los Angeles Southwest College (LASC) is a premier destination for those interested in gaining comprehensive cooking education. From basic culinary skills to advanced haute cuisine, LASC offers hands-on training and certification programs that prepare students for successful careers in the culinary arts. With world-renowned faculty, leading-edge equipment, and vast resources at the Los Angeles campus, these programs offer unparalleled opportunities for learning and exploration.

The culinary arts program at LASC is designed to hone students’ skills in the culinary field, whether they are just starting out or looking to refine their craft. Students can take classes in a wide range of topics, such as baking and pastry, nutrition, food preparation, restaurant and catering management, food safety and sanitation, and wine knowledge. For prospective chefs, there are courses on kitchen organization, culinary knives and tools, sauces, stocks, and more. Each course is taught by experienced instructors who can provide the expertise and instruction necessary for success.

At LASC, the learning does not stop in the classroom. The college also provides internships and apprenticeships with top restaurants and chefs in the Los Angeles area. Here, students gain real-world experience from industry professionals and further develop their skills. As if that were not enough, students can also participate in club activities and food competitions, where they can test their skills against those of their peers.

When it comes to cooking education in Los Angeles, LASC stands apart. With its impressive faculty, extensive resources, and exceptional programs, the college provides a fantastic opportunity for individuals to receive first-class culinary training. Whether you are just starting out or looking to refine your cooking skills, LASC is the perfect place to get started.