University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences

University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus

The University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences Campus offers a comprehensive cooking school program to help students master the art of cooking.

  • Puerto Rico in  puerto rico Rio Piedras Medical Center, Americo Miranda Avenue

University of Puerto Rico-Medical Sciences



Cooking Education in the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus is a great way to learn the various aspects of cooking. The University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus offers a wide range of courses and programs related to cooking such as basic cooking technique, nutrition for health, nutrition for wellbeing, and international cuisine. This allows students to enhance their culinary knowledge and skills, as well as learn about global cultures.

The University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus offers cooking classes that focus on new recipes and cooking techniques, which include classic French and Asian cuisines. With the classes, students will gain an understanding of food preparation, food safety, handling, nutrition, and sanitation. Furthermore, the students can develop their creativity and innovation when creating dishes that are both delicious and nutritious.

The cooking classes are led by trained chefs and also includes hands-on experiences that allow students to practice their newly acquired knowledge. With the on-site facilities, students can work with the latest kitchen equipment and tools and apply their culinary knowhow in the dining environment.

In addition to the cooking classes, the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus also offers workshops and seminars related to health and nutrition. The workshops focus on current topics such as “Healthy Eating at Home” and “Nutrition for Health.” These workshops provide students with the opportunity to learn about healthy eating habits and gain a better understanding of nutrition.

The cooking education offered by the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences Campus provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills needed to become successful chefs. With the help of experienced chefs and staff, students will learn to create and serve tasty dishes that embody the cultural flavors of the island.